JB’s Fishin’ Buddy Program is a wonderful way to get together with your friends on a regular basis or to develop new friendships with people of similar interests. You can form your own fishing group or JB can place you in a group with other like-minded anglers.
You save a lot of money when you become a fishin’ buddy. It is a prepay program where you get six 4-hour trips at $60 per trip. You can prepay for as many fishing trips as you want, and get a price break at 10 and again at 20 fishing trips!
Why Have a Fishing Buddy ?
This program targets semi-serious anglers, retirees, families and all those who just flat out do not want to deal with the expense of having a boat. Nowadays, with the price of gasoline, boat loan payments, slip fees, maintenance expenses and insurance it gets EXPENSIVE to keep a boat afloat!
Here’s an idea: Sell your boat and eliminate all your boat overhead(aches) and become JB’s Fishin’ Buddy. In the long run, you’ll save thousands!!
Fishin’ Buddy Package
$60 per trip/per person with a 6 trip minimum. Discounts at 10 trips and 20 trips.
Prepay: $360 for 6 Trips;
$500 for 10 Trips;
$800 for 20 Trips
Pick the time of day to fish or go with the Captain’s Recommendation.
Trip Includes:
- 4 hours of fishing
- Choose your own buddies or request placement in a current buddy group. (No more than 4 per buddy group, please!)
- Equipment, bait & tackle are provided, but feel free to bring your own gear
- Snacks & drinks are provided and/or bring your own cooler
- Fish filleted and bagged upon request, providing you have a cooler with ice
